When it comes to getting in a pool I’ve always been a dipper. You know, the big, full-grown man who takes five minutes to get in. Yelling at his kids to stop splashing or he’ll get out. Embarrassed enough by the stares of adults (and children…) that he finally just does it and then says “Hmm, that wasn’t that bad.” EVERY TIME. Once he stops putting it off and just do it, it was worth it. 

That’s kind of where I am with my new project – this blog. Yes, there are THOUSANDS of blogs considering it’s so easy to set them up. But I’m hoping for a few things:

  1. Having six kids will give me an interesting enough perspective on things, that…
  2. Sometimes I’ll be helpful, sometimes I’ll be funny, all the time it will be worth…
  3. Someone will want to read it, share it and share their thoughts too

If you know me, you know my mind is like that nasty jello with fruit cocktail mixed in it – full of bits of both good (peaches) and bad (those are not cherries) and hard to nail down. So you never know exactly what to expect, but I’m just going to jump in and maybe it won’t be that bad.

Be kind, don’t stare…